
Our mission is to promote social welfare by achieving single-payer, comprehensive health care for all Coloradans.

Our mission is to promote social welfare by achieving single-payer, comprehensive health care for all Coloradans.

The objectives of HCAC are promoting social welfare by:

  1. Informing Coloradans about advantages of the single-payer system of financing health care;

  2. Creating and/or working with a coalition that will develop strategies for achieving comprehensive, affordable and high quality health care for all Coloradans; and

  3. Building a movement that will campaign for a single-payer health care system in Colorado.

HCAC shall not directly support or oppose any political party or any candidate.

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  • Mike S.
    commented 2015-11-14 18:26:10 -0700
    Socialism is full of promises, like Obamacare promises that will cost more and deliver less. Government should get the hell out of healthcare not run it, our very lives depend on it.
  • Locke Wiggin
    commented 2015-11-14 14:17:53 -0700
    I challenge anyone who believes in universal health care, to put your money where your mouth is. Start a non-profit dedicated to paying people’s medical bills. Take donations, and ask people who have no insurance to forward their medical bills to the charity, to be paid. Alternatively, donate to such a charity.

    I suspect that this charity would not stay funded for very long, because those who want these things are unwilling to work to support their values. They want to force someone else to pay to support their values.
  • @amolison mentioned @HCAC link to this page. 2012-12-08 09:58:30 -0700